Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility

Royal Flight Center is committed to ensure the safest operation possible and to satisfy the expectations of our customers and the authorities – our philosophy is to create and maintain an organisation which is healthy, proactive, safe, and successfully focused on business continuity. Therefore, it is imperative that all employees have uninhibited access to report accidents, incidents, and occurrences.

Every employee is expected to show commitment to communicate to the Management, any occurrence that may affect the integrity of safety, including flight, maintenance, and ground safety. This communication shall be free of reprisal.

Royal Flight Center will not initiate disciplinary action against any employee who discloses an occurrence involving safety, in accordance with the organisation’s just culture.

Occurrences with elements of gross negligence, intentional violations or criminal act are exempt from the above statement and will not be tolerated.

Organisation safety should be the concern of all employees at any level in the organisation; however, the ultimate responsibility rests with the Accountable Manager. The Accountable Manager ensures that adequate resources and training are provided to manage safety effectively.

Procedures for collecting, recording, and disseminating information are in place to protect the identity of any person who provides safety information.

The reporting systems, including the above-mentioned just culture, includes Mandatory Occurrence Reporting System, Voluntary and Confidential Safety Reports.

The sole purpose of safety reporting and internal investigations is to improve safety and not to apportion blame to individuals.

Royal Flight Center urges all employees to use standardized procedures in order to attain the highest level of safety in relation to our common goals. Hazards are identified, risks assessed, and the adequacy of the mitigation measures observed by means of a hazard register.

Distribution of safety documents to sources outside of Royal Flight Center by any employee will be considered a violation of the confidentiality statement, which is accepted by the employee in his/her individual employment agreement.

We strive to achieve:

· An accident-free environment.

· Effective and safe procedures and continuous improvement; and

· Full compliance with the statutory national and international regulations that apply to us.

These objectives are for the benefit of the organisation, its employees, and its customers. To this end we have a shared responsibility to achieve these aims.

Dr. Chrysostomou, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Flight Center



Our Compliance Monitoring Policy

The main target of Royal Flight Center is to provide to their customers a safe and punctual and a cost-effective operation, which are in accordance with all applicable standards and requirements.
All Operational personnel throughout the organisation are responsible to comply with the applicable laws, regulations, and procedures in all locations where operations are conducted.
For that purpose, an internal compliance system is established. The compliance system will permanently assure the organization’s compliance with EASA and National Regulations and other applicable requirements and standards and will monitor how the organisation follows procedures described in the company manuals.
The main principles of the compliance system are based on independent audits and an effective feedback system.
The mission of the compliance system is to monitor the processes inside the organization and to perform audits involving the complete activity of the organization.
However, each department is responsible for compliance policy implementation and compliance assurance during daily activities.
After a finding of a non-compliance with requirements or company procedures, the compliance system will confine not only corrective actions, but also will assure implementation of appropriate preventive actions that eliminate the root cause of the non-compliance. Thereby the compliance system will ensure compliance for the activity of the organization in respect to all applicable requirements.
The compliance system will ensure a continuous improvement process. compliance System provide hazards identification to operations for the continuous improvement to Safety Management System.