Commercial Pilot's Licence (A)

Commercial Pilot's Licence


The aim of the CPL(A) modular course is to train PPL(A) holders to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a CPL(A).

Commercial Pilot's Licence

  • Have sufficient knowledge of Mathematics and Physics (science) to facilitate an understanding of the theoretical knowledge instruction content of the course. This entry standard is deemed met on successful completion of either Maths and Physics course and exam.  
  • Before commencing a CPL(A) modular course an applicant shall be the holder of a PPL(A) issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention.  
  • Before commencing the flight training the applicant shall have completed 150 hours flight time; including 50 hours as PIC on aeroplanes of which 10 hours shall be cross-country.  
  • Have complied with the prerequisites for the issue of a class or type rating for multi-engine aeroplanes in accordance with Training Manual for Class Rating MEP(L), if a multi-engine aeroplane is to be used on the skill test.

Applicants without an IR shall be given at least 25 hours dual flight instruction, including 10 hours of instrument instruction of which up to 5 hours may be instrument ground time in a BITD, an FNPT I or II, an FTD 2 or an FFS.

Applicants with a valid IR shall be given at least 15 hours dual visual flight instruction.

Applicants without a night rating aeroplane shall be given additionally at least 5 hours night flight instruction, comprising 3 hours of dual instruction, which shall include at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and 5 solo take-offs and 5 solo full stop landings.

Applicants with prior experience as PIC may be credited with an amount of hours to meet the requirement of 150 hours of flight time. The amount of credited hours should be decided by Royal Flight Center where the applicant takes the training course on the basis of a pre-entry flight test, but in any case, should have been completed only in one aircraft category other than aeroplane.

Except for the requirement of 50 hours as PIC in aeroplanes, hours as PIC in other categories of aircraft may account for the 150 hours of aeroplane flight time in any of the following cases:

  • 20 hours in helicopters, if applicants hold a PPL(H)
  • 50 hours in helicopters, if applicants hold a CPL(H)
  • 10 hours in TMGs or sailplanes
  • 20 hours in airships, if applicants hold a PPL(As)
  • 50 hours in airships, if applicants hold a CPL(As)

Applicants holding a valid IR(A) shall be credited towards the dual instrument instruction time. Applicants holding a valid IR(H) shall be credited up to 5 hours of the dual instrument instruction time, in which case at least 5 hours dual instrument instruction time shall be given in an aeroplane. Applicants holding a BIR or a Course Completion Certificate for the Basic Instrument Flight Module shall be credited with up to 10 hours towards the required instrument instruction time.

An applicant for a CPL shall be at least 18years of age.

The applicant for a CPL(A) shall havecompleted at least 200 hours flight time, including at least:

  • 100 hours as PIC, of which 20hours of cross-country flight as PIC, which shall include a VFR cross-countryflight of at least 540 km (300 NM), in the course of which full stop landingsat two aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made
  • 5 hours of flight time shall becompleted at night, comprising 3 hours of dual instruction, which shall includeat least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and 5 solo take-offs and 5 solofull stop landings; and
  • 10 hours of instrument flightinstruction, of which up to 5 hours may be instrument ground time in an FNPT I,or FNPT II or FFS. Applicants holding a BIR or a course completion certificatefor the Basic Instrument Flight Module shall be credited with up to 10 hourstowards the required instrument instruction time. Hours done in a BITD shallnot be credited
  • 6 hours of flight time shall becompleted in a multi-engine aeroplane, if a multi-engine aeroplane is used forthe skill test
  • Hours as PIC of othercategories of aircraft may count towards the 200 hours flight time, in thefollowing cases:
  • 30 hours in helicopter, if theapplicant holds a PPL(H); or
  • 100 hours in helicopters, ifthe applicant holds a CPL(H); or
  • 30 hours in TMGs or sailplanes;oro  30 hours in airships, if theapplicant holds a PPL(As); or
  • 60 hours in airships, if theapplicant holds a CPL(As).

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